Tuesday, December 25, 2007

oh hello

Whew, Christmas is coming to a close. My "wunderkind" daughter and her fiancee finally got me to open up my own blog... so here it goes.

To me a blog is really just telling my "slant" on things. So every once in awhile I will share some of my "slants" with those interested in reading about them.

To start with, I retired in January, went to Arizona a week later for two months, came back to Minnesota and golfed, played racquetball, golfed, played racqueball..., had a wonderful time in June as my son got married, enjoyed the rest of the summer until.... boom I had quadruple bypass surgery!

Three months later, after much cardiac rehab, I'm back to "normal" and playing racquetball and enjoying life and feeling a lot better.

So with this year coming to a close I guess you could say it's been an up and down year. But I'm not complaining. On the 27th we're headed off to Arizona again for the winter months. I've got some new plumbing and I'm feeling great!

So my first post is nearing a close. My daughter thinks I can be funny so maybe that will come through later in future blogs. Right now I can't figure out what I'm doing so that must mean it's time to sign off.

Hope all of you out there have a Happy New Year and GO GOPHERS!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Welcome to the blogging world Dad! Yippi! It is a dream come true - hope to see future posts and photos from the wild wild west!