Thursday, April 2, 2009

In a Frenzy

I've recently gone and enjoyed 2 aeorbics classes. The music is great and its a great way to get exercise.

I'm so envious of people that can go through the routines and make it look so easy and effortless. They just seem to have just the right rhythm and know all the steps. They look so relaxed.

Me on the other hand, am always in a frenzy. I'm always in the back so I can watch others and try to copy them. While they are going, say like 1-2-3-4, left, right, left, right, etc. with arms moving gracefuly, hips moving every which way, doing full turns and quarter turns, all right in time with the music,

I on the hand hand am like this:

okay, watch them, okay I've got it, 1-2-oops-4 2-3-4, oh now go right, lets see left, right, move hips and arms, quarter turn coming up, oops, 1--4, oh now full turn coming up, they'll all see me, 1-2-3-4 (hey I've got it) forgot to turn, right, no left, right, 3-4-5 no 1 -2 etc. etc..

What I am describing takes place in about 20 seconds! My mind is trying desparately to keep up but I can't, it's impossible.

I'm in a frenzy.